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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Trust Walk

This slide is of an activity that I took the girls on a couple weeks ago.
With 2 different groups we walked up the river about a mile and hung out. We talked about trust and why we trust others.
When we reached the top we played in at the river and hung out for a bit.
When it was time to go back I lined the girls up and they had to put a blindfold on and 1 of there peers led them back to the ranch without knowing who it was. The girls did amazing and worked together.
The lesson some of them took from this is that
"It's not about the beginning or end of something, it's about what you get in between"

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Haulin Hay!!!

The time has come for the fields to to cut and put away. The girls have worked very hard to get everything hauled and put away before the next rain.
