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Friday, March 28, 2014
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Teens: Why You Aren't Talking to Your Doctor About Sex
Teens are staying quiet on sex when it comes to their doctor visits. Why?
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(Photo from the original article via |
In case you missed it, the debate has been stirring for a few months now on teens, sexual health, and their doctors. Recent studies have found that very few teens are having discussions with their doctors about sex. Some parents wish to keep it this way, but many experts are arguing that it's a conversation that should be a part of every visit in order to keep teens safe and healthy. This article is written by teens to explain why some are less than thrilled about opening up to their doctor about their sex life.
Read the full article on +The Huffington Post:
Articles for Parents,
teen pregnancy,
teen sexuality
Monday, March 10, 2014
The HPV Vaccine
Despite some beliefs, this study shows no increase in sexual activity when girls receive the HPV vaccine.
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(Photo: +Shutterstock via original article at |
Remember when it was a hot-topic a few years ago during the 2012 presidential election? Candidates, politicians, and parents all argued that a vaccine for girls would encourage them to have sex. The vaccine, which guards against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), got a bad rap from many conservative groups. The controversy has since died down and a new study reveals that a lot of those fears may be irrational. The study cites no increase in sexual behavior among teen girls that receive the vaccine and not as many misconceptions as some parents believed. Researchers hope that it will encourage parents to get their sons and daughters protected.
Although it is primarily known for women, the vaccine protects against both males and females. To learn more about the virus, the vaccine, and the study, read the article below. Have you had your child vaccinated yet?
The original article is available here:
Friday, February 7, 2014
'X-Rated' Poster Sparks Outrage
How much is too much? Middle school sex ed program features ‘x-rated’ poster.
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(Photo from the original article | Credit: Fox News) |
A Kansas middle school is under fire after part of its sexual education program featured a poster with explicit sexual acts listed to answer the question “How do people express their sexual feelings?” After one parent discovered the poster, he became outraged and threatened to pull his daughter out of the class. The school board has since taken it down for review. But here’s my question: Is it better to inform children (even as young as middle school) about these acts in hopes of preventing STDs, unplanned pregnancy, and other issues? Or is it better to focus sexual education elsewhere? I’ve seen statistics that suggest teens who know more about sex are more likely to abstain from it, unlike what opponents of sexual education claim. I happen to agree that its better to inform them of this. Chances are their classmates or siblings have told them enough that they have heard of these terms anyways; best to take the curiosity out of it to prevent them from experimenting on their own. But where do you stand? What’s the limit on sexual education?
Read a preview of the full article from +Think Progress:
A middle school in Kansas has removed a poster that used to supplement some of the sex ed curricula for eighth graders, following complaints from one parent who took his case to the press. The poster, entitled “How Do People Express Their Sexual Feelings?”, lists various sexual activities like “grinding,” “oral sex,” “kissing,” and “sexual fantasy.” It sparked considerable controversy last week after one 13-year-old student snapped a photo of it and showed it to her father, who threatened to remove her from the sex ed class. Read more
Articles for Parents,
teen pregnancy,
teen sexuality
Friday, January 31, 2014
'Teen Mom' Drug Issues
'Teen Mom' star is no longer receiving treatment for her drug addiction but is “getting the support of her boyfriend instead.”
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(Photo: Jenelle Evans on Twitter @MTVJenelleEvans) |
MTV’s show about teen pregnancy and young moms is in the news again after an announcement from star Jenelle Evans that she has quit addiction rehab for her boyfriend’s support instead.While I respect everyone’s decision, this reminded me of other stories that I have heard from young women in rehab. They think that they can quit and opt for their inner will and support from loved ones, especially a boyfriend. I think that she would be more successful by staying in a program; drugs are not to be reckoned with and until a program is complete (and even after) there are high chances of relapse. We wish her the best of luck but can’t help but wish she were choosing to be a role model for young women in similar positions by fulfilling her commitment to stay clean.
Read a preview of the article from
“Teen Mom” star Jenelle Evans admitted to being hooked on drugs last year, even though she kept lying about it. And it sounds like she can’t get the help she needs to stay completely sober. Instead, she has put everything on her boyfriend. According to a new Wetpaint Entertainment report published on Jan. 20, “Teen Mom” star Jenelle Evans is now revealing that she quit going to Narcotics Anonymous and is getting the support of her boyfriend instead.
"I’m attending NA meetings once a week," Jenelle revealed last year as she was getting help for her issues. "U should see all my chips I have on my key chain for being sober for such a long time!" However, it sounds like she quit going to these meetings because she couldn’t go as someone anonymous. People recognize her, and she isn’t able to share her stories without judgment. Read more
Friday, January 24, 2014
Signs Your Teen Has Bipolar Disorder
More than a mood swing. Signs that your teen may have bipolar disorder.
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(Image: +Shutterstock) |
You've wondered for a while what has been up with your teen. They're either really moody or incredibly happy, and sometimes there seems to be no middle ground. At first, you'll probably brush it off as teenage hormones and mood swings, but after a while it seems to be more than that. Her friends and classmates seem well-behaved and have outgrown such a spectrum of emotion. Something just doesn't feel right about your daughter, and you wish to help her. Here are the signs that your daughter could have bipolar disorder.
The top signs parents need to watch for include:
- Episodes of depression
- Episodes of mania
- Having a very short temper
- Alcohol or drug use
Read a preview of the full article from +Masternet:
Bipolar disorder should never be taken lightly, but this is especially true for young people, because it can be even more intense for them than it is for adults. There are several reasons that teenagers can develop bipolar disorder, but it is especially important for parents to be able to recognize the symptoms. Bipolar disorder is most definitively characterized by sudden and extreme upswings and downswings of emotion that interfere with regular life. It can be somewhat difficult for teens to be able to see the problem in themselves, so here are some signs that you should be aware of if you believe your son or daughter might have bipolar disorder. Read more
Monday, January 20, 2014
Why did she start stealing?
She gets good grades, she has nice friends, and she appears relatively 'normal.' So why did my daughter start stealing?
It's not as unusual as one would think for teen girls that appear healthy and well-behaved to start misbehaving in one specific area: stealing. But what would drive these teen girls to steal when they seem to have such a promising future? Some experts believe that it's because of the pressure put onto teen girls to be beautiful. They may steal clothes, jewelry, or makeup so that they can appear more beautiful. If they don't have the money, they still feel the pressure and the need to be liked, so they justify stealing. Does that make it right? Of course not. But there may be more to it than appears on the surface.
Read a preview of the article from our website:
Young girls today are constantly bombarded with products they MUST buy that will make them more beautiful, happier, and more popular, with greater satisfaction in their lives. And, it isn't just while they are watching TV. Now these young girls have in the palm of their hands all the information on the internet. Every hour of every day they are poked and prodded to spend money. The reality, however, is that most young girls don't have jobs and rely on mom and dad for money. And unless their parents are well off, most young people can't get enough to meet their so-called needs.
Read the full article here:
Articles for Parents,
body image,
the law
Friday, January 10, 2014
Body Image
For a question that shouldn't be that difficult, this sure seemed to stump a lot of women
If you were asked to name one thing you really love about your body, what would your initial reaction be? And would it be far easier to compliment your friends' sparkling eyes, glowing complexion, curvaceous hips and toned legs than openly praise your own looks?
Read the article in its entirety here: to a compelling new ad from Dove, the latest video in the brand's Campaign For Real Beauty, the answer to that second question is a resounding -- and heartbreaking -- yes. Dove asked pairs of women on the street what they love about their own bodies and received nervous laughter, "hmmms," and "I don't knows" in response. But when the same women were asked to answer the same question about their female friends, they gushed.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
New Year's Resolution: Talk to Your Teen
And other resolutions to make this a great year with your teen daughter
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(Image: +Shutterstock) |
- Talk to Your Teen
- Know the Myths vs. Facts
- Understand the Consequences
- Know the Trends
- Know What to Look For
Here's a preview of the article from +Las Cruces Sun-News:
It is another year, and parents can be among those with resolutions that could impact the lives of their teens. The Unified Prevention! (UP!) Coalition for a Drug Free Doña Ana County, an initiative of the Community Foundation of Southern New Mexico, offers this list of the top five beneficial New Year resolutions for parents of teens.
1. Talk to Your Teen. The National Youth Anti-Drug Campaign focuses on the fact that parents are influential as teens move through school and face a variety of pressures and emotions. Research shows that kids who learn from their parents about the dangers of risky behaviors like drug use, underage drinking, tobacco use and dangerous driving are less likely to engage in those behaviors.Read the full article here:
Thursday, January 2, 2014
PTSD and Exposure Therapy
A new study from the +University of Pennsylvania suggests that teens with PTSD may benefit from exposure therapy.
Teens with PTSD that have experienced a serious trauma event may soon have a new option: exposure therapy. The study found success in this new method, and it could change how some teens are treated.
Preview the article from the +Los Angeles Times:
Read the full article here: who have been sexually traumatized benefit more from therapy that includes recounting the assault than from supportive counseling, a study suggests.Such exposure treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder has had some success among adults. But it has not found favor for treatment of teens because of fear that it could exacerbate symptoms for young adults who have not developed robust coping skills.
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